York Colleges Guild Change Ringers

The Welcome to the York Colleges Guild Change Ringers is a group of bell ringers, consisting of students from the University of York and York St John who ring the bells at various churches across the city of York (see the map below).
- Website: ycg.org.uk
- Email:
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/uoybellsoc
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/YorkCollegesGuild
Anyone is welcome to come along to our practices – we will cater for all regardless of whether you are an experienced ringer or have never touched a bell rope.
Our practices alternate between S Lawrence’s 16:00-17:30, and the York Oratory (St Wilfrid’s) 15:30-16:00 on Sundays during term time. In one practice many pieces are rung by different bands but, there is also the opportunity to take part in longer performances.
S Lawrence, (8 bells, 7-3-24) Mon 19:30-21:00, Sun 09:30-10:15 & 17:45-18:30 | S Martin le Grand, Coney Street, (8 bells, 10-1-23) Tues 19:30-21:00 (Experienced Ringers) |
Cath & Metropolitical Church of S Peter, York Minster, (12 bells, 59-1-23) Tues 19:00-21:00, Sun 09:00-10:00 (Experienced Ringers, with permission) |
S Olave, York, Marygate, (6 bells, 9–0–14) Wed 19:00-20:30 (Once a month before service ringing), Sun 09:45-10:30 (1st) |
S Philip & S James, York, Clifton, (6 bells, 3–1–23) Wed 19:30-21:00 (2nd) | York Oratory Ch of S Wilfrid, (10 bells, 18–1–21) Thurs 19:00-21:00, Sun 10:00-10:30 & 11:30-12:00 |
All Saints, York, North Street, (8 bells, 7–2–2) Sun 16:30-17:20 |