University Edinburgh Guild Change Ringers
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Although you might not have heard of us yet, the University Edinburgh Guild Change Ringers (UEGCR) are known for making music a little differently! We are Edinburgh’s group of student bellringers (Heriot-Watt University is also nearby), and we hold church bell practices every two weeks (followed by a visit to a local pub), as well as joining local practices in Edinburgh. We also have regular social events and weekly hand bell practices, ringing both ‘methods’ and well-known tunes. The guild is made up of a range of abilities, from absolute beginners to ringers with years of experience. If you’re interested, come along and try bell ringing out; you don’t need to be musical or religious to learn to ring, and we will be more than happy to teach you!
Regular Edinburgh Practices
Monday 7:00-9:00pm | St. Andrew’s and St. George’s (8 bells, 14-2-23) |
Tuesday 7:30-9:00pm | St. Cuthbert’s (10 bells, 21-0-0) |
Thursday 7:30-9:15pm | St. Mary’s Cathedral (12 bells, 41-1-15) |
St. Mary’s Cathedral Society of Change Ringers
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- Tower: St. Mary’s Cathedral (12 bells, 41-1-15)
Service Ringing: Sunday 9:45-10:30
Practice Ringing: Thursday 19:30-21:15
St. Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral is the largest ecclesiastical building in Scotland. It was designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott in the neo-gothic style and its three spires, from which it is sometimes referred to as The Lichfield of the North, form a significant and prominent feature of the Edinburgh skyline.
We have a very fine peal of twelve bells and are the only twelve-bell church-tower in Scotland; we are also the most northerly twelve-bell church-tower in the world.
The bells are rung by The St. Mary’s Cathedral Society of Change Ringers, who are also responsible for maintaining the bells and ringing facilities in good working order. We provide tuition for those wishing to learn how to ring church bells and we welcome visitors at service ringing on Sunday mornings and at practice ringing on Thursday evenings.