Sheffield Universities Guild Change Ringers
The Sheffield Universities Guild Change Ringers is a small society of dedicated, fun-loving ringers! We always welcome new members whether you can already ring or not, and we have an experienced team who are always willing to teach. Bell ringing is great fun for people of all ages and abilities. You don’t have to be musical, or strong, but enthusiasm and patience always help! For more information on the ancient art of bell ringing, check out this website:
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- Tower: Roman Catholic Cathedral Church of St Marie, Hallam, Sheffield (8 bells, 25-0-4)
We will be on a stall at the Activities Fair at Sheffield University. Come and find us there – or contact us by Facebook, X or email before then.
We ring at St Marie’s Roman Catholic Church on Monday nights – see map below (19:30-21:00). Meet at the door on Norfolk Row just off the main Fargate shopping area at The Crucible end.
- Sunday (service) 5:40 – 6:30pm
- Monday (Practice) 7:30 – 9:00pm
…some other bell ringing practices in Sheffield include:
St Mary’s, Walkley, (6 bells, 12-2-13) on Mondays 19:30-21:00 |
St John’s, Ranmoor, (10 bells, 16-1-5) on Tuesdays 19:30-21:00 |
Sheffield Cathedral, (12 bells, 34-0-7) on Thursdays 19:30-21:00 |
About Sheffield Universities’ Guild of Change Ringers
On the 9th October 1958 a group of like minded people, students from the University of Sheffield, met in the attic of number 13 Leavygreave Lane (at that time part of the Students Union Buildings, but subsequently demolished) to form an association that would in time become known as the Sheffield Universities’ Guild of Change Ringers. Those present were Miss Sheila Schofield, Miss Rachel Snell, and Messrs J Perrett, J Rank, J Hartley, J Clarke, T Hargreaves, R Brown, G Edwards, K Abbott, G Wright, C Easom, G Boyes and J Thompson. The membership subscription was set at two shillings and sixpence! (That’s 12.5p for the younger readers).