Open University Society Change Ringers
The Open University Society Change Ringers is a group of over 70 bell ringers. We are open to students & staff (past/present) who are associated with The Open University. Our members live in many parts of the UK, so we try to arrange meetings to suit this scattering. Founded in 1979, the Society now meets about four or five times each year for single day events. From time to time, we also arrange weekend events.
Our interests are to bring together members of the Society to events that are organised. These events are open to members and non-members alike and the level of ringing capability is of no significance – though we do encourage normal standards. Associate membership is also available.
We have a formal committee which is elected annually at our Annual General Meeting.
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Membership queries and application details can be found on the CONTACT US page, or the MEMBERSHIP page.
History – Foundation of the Society
The Society was founded on 27 June 1979 as a result of a letter in The Ringing World. The letter asked if there were sufficient bell ringers within The Open University system, who might be prepared to travel to the OU Headquarters in Milton Keynes. Once there they were to ring a quarter peal on the bells at Simpson. The occasion for this plan was the visit of The Queen to celebrate the Tenth Anniversary of the University.
Six ringers were found all associated with the OU and they duly met at a Pub (where else?) in Simpson, near the Campus. They ascended the tower and rang a quarter peal of Cambridge Surprise Minor in honour of the occasion. Our Society was then formed.
As time went on, further ringers were found all of whom were interested in joining the OU Ringing Society. The first formal meeting was held in Oxford on 29 September 1979 and ringing was enjoyed at four towers in the area. At this meeting, 14 members attended. David Belcham was elected as Ringing Master, Mary Purvis as Secretary with Peter Rowe as Deputy Ringing Master. The annual subscription was set to £1. With the Society duly organised, a constitution was prepared for consideration by the Open University Students Association (OUSA).