Recent Posts/News

18/09/2020: University Ringing Update!
Apologies for not getting this out sooner - I got delayed by baby stuff! UNIVERSITY RINGING SOCIETIES IN THEIR OWN WORDS 2017: Llanbadarn Fawr ringers (formally Aberystwyth University Society Change Ringers) Llanbadarn Fawr ringers warmly welcome student ringers and those interested in having a go! Please join us on…
15/02/2019: Do you want to have a say in how ringing works where you ring?
As an active member of a university society, we really want to hear your thoughts on ringing at home and at university. Are you interested in working with us to build a better future for youth ringing? If so, you want to attend a meeting in Worcester on Sunday 3…
university ringing societies 17/08/2017: Review Your University Bell Ringing Society Publicity
Periodically, it's good to review what we have available to publicise our university ringing societies. This posts suggests some areas to consider: What is your PRODUCT? There are a lot of societies students can join at university. Unfortunately, bell ringing can sometimes carry a lot of stereotypes and we need…
09/03/2017: New University Ringing Shop!
Don't forget to stop by & have a look at our new University Ringing shop! You could create mugs, t-shirts, polo shirts, hoodies, bags, water bottles or even teddy bears for some ideas. Make the other societies green with envy as you all rock up at the SUA or NUA…
university ringing societies 28/02/2017: The importance of University Ringing Societies
...the following article was written in 2016 for the Ringing World edition around A Level results day. It would be great to have something similar happen again so please think about what you'd like to write this time & get in touch ASAP. A couple of sentences would do -…