For those starting university this year…

You will know that many university ringing societies are great recruiters of ringers and teachers of ringing and all also offer great ways for those new to university to continue and develop their ringing and to make new friends quickly. Once A level results are out in mid-August those going to uni this year will be really busy finalising their choice and preparing to start. Please ask all your towers to do everything they can to encourage their youngsters to continue their ringing, to join their uni’s ringing society or to find a tower close by where they will be welcome.
To help we have created a new website and produced this poster (see below) for you to put up in all towers please! I do hope we can see this up in as many towers as possible during the summer – please do pass it on as widely as possible in your area.
Thanks so much, and all best wishes,
Kate Flavell
Public Relations Officer
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers